Sunday, August 13, 2006

Back To Old Routine

Keet and I woke up late today. We chat with our relatives in the Philippines last night until 12 midnight. Those kids are really entertaining. We always enjoyed our chat sessions with them.

Chatting with May...

Hugbun is in N.Y. to picked up Mom. This is just the second time we're apart. The first time was when Mama died and I have to go to the Philippines for a couple of weeks. It's hard if you're not used to it. Anyway, he's coming home today. Oops, I have to thaw the pork ribs right now for him to grill for dinner tonight. Anyway, I dropped off Peter in the subway early yesterday to catch the bus to the airport. He called me while he was waiting for his flight to N.Y. The security line wasn't bad at all ( airport security is tight because of the terror plot, intelligence uncovered ). It only took 5 minutes for him to be cleared! We were expecting for delays with all the news we watched.
What a surprise! This year we didn't suffer with the jet lag so much. In fact Hugbun didn't even have a jet lag, he's back to work a week after we came home from the Philippines. Keet and I had a little. Usually, our jet lag would last for a couple of weeks!
Keet and I did a lot of weeding in the garden for a couple of days. Peter mowed the lawn a couple of days after we arrived. The yard looks much better now. I got some sore muscles though .

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