Saturday, April 7, 2007

Early Easter Goodies & Procrastination

This afternoon, Keet's Godmother Paula stopped by for the traditional Easter gift giving to Keet. When Keet was still very young, her goodies were the traditional Easter basket. Now that she's a teenager, she got these gifts that's more appropriate for her age. Paula is so taken with the new kitten Gandalf, not a surprise really as she's a cat person.

Procrastination! Sometimes, Hugbun and I are guilty of this. Last Christmas, some of Keet's gifts are poster wall hangings that are made of silk of Anime characters (Keet is an Anime freak). Well, it's embarrassing to say that up until now (four months!) we haven't hang those things yet. I think Keet has had enough of waiting, so today Keet ask us to hang the posters. I'm glad that we finally hang them, and I must say that they really look good in her room. The best thing is, it only took us less than 15 minutes... tops. I think sometimes Hugbun and I just need a little push.
Surprise, surprise. When I went in the bathroom this morning and looked outside, the trees were covered with snow! I sort of heard on the radio about possible frost and snow showers last night, but I thought that the snow wouldn't stick to anything at all. I mean common, just last week we have temperatures of high 70's and low 80's. Anyway the snow on the trees didn't last long though, it melted just a few hours later. At least we were able to enjoy our Magnolia and Cherry blossoms last week.

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