Thursday, July 19, 2007


Finally, the balikbayan boxes we had sent last April has arrived. A little late than usual, I have to call the agent here and my relatives has to call the Philippine agent at their end. We've watched our relatives opened the boxes thru the webcam and saw and heard all their excitement. Isn't technology nowadays amazing?

We went to a baseball game again last Sunday. Boy, talking about hot days of summer. This is a photo inside our car when we got to the parking lot after the game. Outside temperature is just a couple degrees "cooler". I always tell Hugbun that summer time in Maryland is hotter than in Cebu. As usual he disagrees. We decided to just have Chinese take out for dinner later.


We went to Baltimore for dinner in our friend's house last week. Oftentimes, I regret driving downtown Baltimore without a camera. This time though the paparazzi is ready, so I took a few pictures while Hugbun was driving.

Downtown Baltimore...

The Poe's Grave (Edgar Allan Poe and wife)...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Driving Around D.C.

We're excited to see the new stadium being built, so one Sunday afternoon right after church, we went to the site. I had the camera with us, so I took some pictures of downtown DC on the way to the site. The new stadium is shaping up quite fast.

Downtown D.C. - U.S. Capitol on the horizon

U.S. Capitol Upclose

One of the many museums in D.C.- American Indian Museum

Downtown D.C.
One of the historic neighborhoods in D.C.

New Stadium Constructions...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

An Ordination...

Have you ever witnessed a priest being ordained? I haven't... neither does my Hugbun. Well, one of the deacons in our parish church was being ordained a couple of months ago. I thought to myself that this would be the chance to finally see one. We went to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and witnessed our first ordination. I got goose bumps the entire ceremony, it was beautiful!

At the National Shrine...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Full Blast Of The Summer Months II

We've been to countless ball games this year already. Our team is building a new stadium, Hugbun thinks that it would be harder to get "in the moment" tickets for the new stadium. So, he has this idea to buy season tickets this year to have a foot on the door when they sell tickets next year, as they would prioritize people who are season ticket holders. We spent our 4th of July in the ball park to see our team won, that game was so crowded but we had fun. Hugbun's vacation would be next month.

In the subway on the way to the game...

RFK from the train...

RFK from the train...

This is our "U.S. vacation" year (we go to the Philippines every other year). We're still undecided where to go though (a toss between New York, Memphis and Cape May in New Jersey), right now we're leaning towards Memphis. I really love to see The King's Mansion.

Full Blast Of The Summer Months I

Well here we are, just in the middle of summer and our heat index is off the roof. Hot, hot! hot! But gallivanting must go on ;-).

Keet has been on her summer vacation for almost a month now and she's enjoying every minute of it. Her school ended last June 4. After picking her up and having our lunch, we went to the movie to watch The Pirates of the Caribbean-At World's End. As usual we enjoyed the movie a lot, especially so with this movie (we've been waiting and waiting for this to come out), as Hugbun's favorite Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones is in the movie playing Jack Sparrow's father Captain Teague. We were so tickled with his cameo role especially we heard behind the scenes stories about him while making this movie.

Photos of Keith and Johny from Rolling Stone Magazine...

Anyway, Keet has a new layered hairdo this summer. She wanted her hair auburn so I dyed her hair auburn! The new hairdo and color really looks good on her.
Finally, the wrought iron porch furnitures that Keet and I repainted are finished. I even re-upholstered the chairs and I'm so pleased with the result.
Old upholstery...

Re-uphostered by moi...


Saturday, June 23, 2007

Of Pizzas And Donuts

Last month (huh, it's been a while since I've updated this blog), hugbun made pizzas from scratch. A rustic kind, topped with pesto and shrimps. He saw these pizzas made by Bobby Flay - host of Boy Meets Grill. Hugbun is a grill freak, so he has to make that pizzas. Well, what do you know, one time when I was watching Giada de Laurentis' cooking show, she made these donuts from a pizza dough. So I told hugbun to make extra dough for my donuts too ;-), hugbun was just too willing to oblige.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Easter Week And Goings On

Keet went with Hugbun to the Ellington meeting (Jazz society...where he's the president) to listen to dad's program presentation, (every meeting a member has to present a program related to Ellington's music) last Saturday. They meet every first Saturday of the month but for the summer. Keet enjoyed dad's presentation and socializing with the other members. She even received an award for her newsletter contributions (stuffing them in the envelopes). Actually this is also part of her school service hours. She needs 80 hours of service (community and disadvantage) to graduate high school... a requirement. Anyway they both had fun at the meeting. Some members couldn't believe how fast she grew.

EASTER SUNDAY - After the Easter Sunday mass, Keet and Hugbun went to DC to watched baseball. You might ask, where is old me in all these happenings (music meeting, baseball)? Home! Where its nice, warm and toasty. The temperature lately is not comfortable with this tropical girl. We all went to attend the Easter mass though (every Sunday mass for that matter). The plan would have been to have our Easter dinner on Monday, as it would be late after baseball. But I didn't go anyway, so I made dinner. Our Easter dinner tradition is fresh ham.

Easter dinner...

Keet did her disadvantage service hours on Wednesday and yesterday. I felt a little nervous when I dropped her off the first day in Sacred Heart Home (nursing home) as this would be her first time volunteering. I was anxious when I picked her up later in the afternoon, but she loved it! She even told me that when she grows old she would live in a nursing home ;-).
Finally, the two balikbayan boxes are out of my hair. I called yesterday to have someone picked up the boxes, and someone came in this morning. I'm still waiting for FedEx though. Today would be their 3rd attempt to deliver an item we ordered (needs a signature). I missed the first attempt by 30 minutes the other day when I stopped by the grocery store after dropping Keet off. Yesterday, I waited the whole morning but nobody came. I thought to myself, I bet later in the afternoon when I pick Keet, someone would come. Sure enough, when Keet and I arrived later, a tag was on the door knob, saying this is the 2nd attempt, blah, blah, blah. Missed it less than an hour. Was that Murphy's law or what! Grrrrr.
Update.......yehey, finally after 2 days of cat and mouse game, FedEx and I are able to "connect". As I am writing this blog, there is a knock on the door, and lo and behold...FedEx!!!!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Early Easter Goodies & Procrastination

This afternoon, Keet's Godmother Paula stopped by for the traditional Easter gift giving to Keet. When Keet was still very young, her goodies were the traditional Easter basket. Now that she's a teenager, she got these gifts that's more appropriate for her age. Paula is so taken with the new kitten Gandalf, not a surprise really as she's a cat person.

Procrastination! Sometimes, Hugbun and I are guilty of this. Last Christmas, some of Keet's gifts are poster wall hangings that are made of silk of Anime characters (Keet is an Anime freak). Well, it's embarrassing to say that up until now (four months!) we haven't hang those things yet. I think Keet has had enough of waiting, so today Keet ask us to hang the posters. I'm glad that we finally hang them, and I must say that they really look good in her room. The best thing is, it only took us less than 15 minutes... tops. I think sometimes Hugbun and I just need a little push.
Surprise, surprise. When I went in the bathroom this morning and looked outside, the trees were covered with snow! I sort of heard on the radio about possible frost and snow showers last night, but I thought that the snow wouldn't stick to anything at all. I mean common, just last week we have temperatures of high 70's and low 80's. Anyway the snow on the trees didn't last long though, it melted just a few hours later. At least we were able to enjoy our Magnolia and Cherry blossoms last week.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Easter Break

Today (April 5) is the start of Keet's Easter break. School would resume on the 16th of this month. I must say that she's so excited with having an "eleven day week-end".

Last Saturday, Keet and Hugbun were helping some of our neighbors cleaned and picked up litters in our neighborhood. When they finally got home, they surprised me by bringing the stray cat/kitten in the house that we all found very cute. I've told them in passing that I'm tempted to bring the kitten inside but is just afraid what would happen as we already have two, Cleo and Tugger. I shouldn't have worried, all three got along just fine. I mean there are some few hisses and yeowling but no serious cat fights at all. We named him Gandalf, because he has this cute white fur under his chin going down to his chest that looks like Gandalf's (LOTR) beard ;-).

Meet Gandalf the cat...

After all the excitement with Gandalf, we all went to the grocery store to buy our groceries for the month. This is a family affair as I just can't do it by myself during the week with all these much stuff to buy. That's just too much hauling for dear old me. We don't want a cranky Senn in the house at all, do we? As I've said before in my previous journal, I have to see if we could save some dough this way.
Hugbun went to the opening season of the baseball game last Monday. A birthday present from one of his friends. Having the stadium conveniently close to a subway stop is so easy for Hugbun to just kick off and catch the train from his workplace to the stadium. They're building a new stadium for the team, but the new one would still be very convenient for him. It would be finished for next year's season, so this is their last year at RFK. As it was the opening of the baseball season, Hugbun took the whole day off. Too bad our team lost though. Doesn't matter, as Hugbun was all smile and looked so relaxed when I picked him up later at the subway.
Well, what do you know. Hugbun went to see baseball again last Wednesday. This time our team won. GO NATS!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


This morning we woke up with a cold house. I was wondering why. When I checked the thermostat, it just read 59 wonder! No heat is coming out from all the vents at all. I thought to myself, dang here we go, another repair expenses. So, after I dropped off Keet in her school, I called our heating company to have somebody come to the house and see what's wrong. I'm pleased that I only have to wait for three hours when somebody came. Imagine I am wearing three layers of long sleeved shirts and winter gloves in the house! Turns out that we're just out of oil. They're supposed (automatically) to deliver the oil on the 8th but we beat them by consuming the oil fast ;-). Well, I'm just glad that it wasn't a major problem or repair. Peter was content with the 59 degree though. My comfortable temperature in the house is 70-72. Hmmm, the house is starting to get warm now. Life is good.



Ahhh, nice warm house...

Monday, March 5, 2007

Running Errands

Keet has no school today. Peter has work though, so I still woke up early this morning to make coffee and toast for my hugbun.

I always look forward on week ends - sleeps in and breakfast in bed! This is my Saturday mornings look like ;-).

Anyway, I called the Philippines this morning and talk to my relatives. We have to touched base once in while to be updated with what is going on with our lives ;-). Afterward, Keet and I went to the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in D.C. to light a candle for Our Mother Of Perpetual Help. We do this on Sundays, but yesterday Peter had a meeting so we went to the Saturday mass in our parish church instead. We stopped by the store after lighting the candle to do some errands and to buy a Mega Million lottery ticket for tomorrow (If there's no update in this blog anymore, that means we hit the jackpot and we went traipsing around the world with our millions and don't have time to stay foot at home anymore ;-))!

Today is the start of my meal plan. Dinner for tonight is already cooking in the slow cooker while I'm updating my blog. We'll see if we can save some dough this way.

National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington D.C....

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Grocery Budget

I'd had it. I think we spend so much money for our grocery food. I mean, I always shop plenty of meats and we always have stuff in our pantry so that we don't have to go to the store for small items. The problem is I really don't like to cook. I'm a decide what to cook in the last minute kind, no planning at all - not a good way to save money. Peter loves to cook. But, even if we have meats in our chest freezer and stuff in the pantry, we still have to go to the store for Peter's dishes. It seems that we end up going to the store twice or three times a week to buy stuff. I would say that we're spending roughly 800-900 dollars a month right now.

Well, I made a monthly meal plan. So, yesterday we went grocery shopping for our whole month's meals. We spent $500 and hopefully I would be right that we could save this way. Tomorrow, I'll start the plan.